Sixth Form Open Event - Thursday 21st November - Click here for more information.


Plympton Academy offers Dance to KS3 and KS4 students and is open to all abilities with the opportunity to develop key skills.

Every dance lesson challenges students physically and mentally in order to allow them to work with confidence, ease and precision. Students have the opportunity to learn set material from professional works, create choreography and learn about style and performance. As result students learn to collaborate, cooperate, communicate and be creative, classes are structured in way that allows students to enjoy moving and being active as well as giving them a platform to be imaginative and as a result construct insightful work. It is vitally important that students are given the opportunity to express themselves in a safe and accepting environment, dance is for everyone and is a subject that can allow individuals to be be innovative and through this build confidence which is a skill that will carry them through life.

At Key Stage 3 we initially focus on giving students the opportunity to explore a variety of dance styles such as African, Bhangra, Jazz, Hip Hop and Rock and Roll. We then move onto technical and performance skills before studying the professional industry and choreography. This allows students to gain a broad understanding of dance from personal skills to processes surrounding the industry and company works. Students have an opportunity to perform their work and reflect on skills. They will consistently work with others and be encouraged to take on leadership roles to help build confidence and skill.

Students have the option to study a BTEC Tech Award in Dance. This is a coursework based qualification equivalent to a GCSE. Students will firstly study the underpinning of styles and genres of dance and the roles responsibilities of professionals. They will then study and learn 3 pieces of repertoire before they are given a set brief to choreograph their own work. The qualification aims to educate students about the skills, techniques and personal qualities necessary to be successful in the industry as well as give them the opportunity to theoretically understand principles of Dance and performance. The qualification lends itself to further study at KS5 where students can go onto take a BTEC Level 3 qualification in Performing Arts/Dance.

Clubs and extracurricular activities are really important as they allow students to engage with more opportunities and perform as part of companies around the City as well as at the Academy.

BCD (Boys Can Dance) is a small all boys company that have been part of projects with professional dancers, watched BalletBoyz on tour as well as be part of Plymouth Arts College University programme. They have performed at showcases and events at Plympton Academy and will look to establish performance platforms across the City.

Plympton Dance Company is a mixed company from years 7-8 they have been able to watch performances from Matthew Bourne, take part in professional workshops and perform at the Academy for showcases and events.

Flex is a year 9 company made up of dancers taking the BTEC Performing Arts Pathway. The extra-curricular opportunity allows students to gain more dance training and take part in showcases and events. Students have the opportunity to regularly attend performances and workshops. They are also encouraged to take on roles as dance ambassadors to inspire younger years and take on leadership roles.

Senior Company is a extra-curricular opportunity open to years 10+ to experience different dance styles and create performance pieces for events and showcases across the City and at the Academy. The company has the opportunity to take on dance leadership roles and work with younger students or primary students that come into the Academy.

Overall clubs and extracurricular activities are designed to give students the opportunity to engage with dance more across the City and in the Academy performances and events. Students are encouraged to be a part of the dance clubs in order to improve their technique, performance skills and confidence in order to give them the best possible chance to fulfil their aspirations, whatever they may be.

The Academy is very passionate about the Performing Arts and with the recent addition of Dance on the curriculum there are more opportunities for the young people we teach.