Sixth Form Open Event - Thursday 21st November - Click here for more information.

Student Careers

Careers education and guidance

Careers education and guidance programmes play a major part in helping young people choose pathways at each stage of their lives that suit their interests, abilities and individual needs. A robust careers programme helps avoid disengagement, puts school learning into a wider and more relevant context, and helps raise aspirations. We believe that effective careers education and guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.

The Plympton Academy careers programme will help our students to plan and manage their careers effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. It promotes equality of opportunity, embraces diversity and challenges stereotypes. We support the students to make informed choices, by providing them with impartial information about the range of options available to them at each stage of their academic life. The policy will be guided by the Gatsby benchmarks and conform to statutory requirements, in particular the Department for Education’s Careers Strategy issued in December 2017.

If you like further information please contact
Terry Doyle or 03333602220

The Gatsby Benchmark

"Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. Good career guidance is a necessity for delivering technical education reforms and is a vehicle for social justice: those young people without social capital or home support suffer most from poor career guidance."

Gatsby commissioned 'The Good Career Guidance Report' which identifies a set of eight benchmarks that Plympton Academy uses as a framework for improving its careers provision. 

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

For further specific information please see our pages:

Policy and Programme

The careers programme is delivered during one of the 20 minute sessions at the end of the day each week; as detailed in the programme plan. This is supported by the Personal Development weeks, which are programmed according to the year group.

Work Experience

All year 10 and 12 students at Plympton Academy are expected to undertake a week-long work experience in an industry that they are considering to progress into. The guide below will help you start the search process to find a suitable placement. The other document details how a student should use their UniFrog account to log their placement in order to get it approved.

Other useful documents


A complete guide for students and parents, to apprenticeships, courses and university opportunities along with useful articles offering education and career advice.

Next Step South West Parent's Bulletin

Developing Employability Skills (Teacher's Guide)

STEM Careers